Shipping & Delivery

Prices, shipping costs and delivery information

The prices stated on the product pages include the statutory value added tax and other price components.

We deliver only within Germany and Austria.

In addition to the stated prices, we charge a flat rate for delivery within Germany and Austria [6,90 Euro pro Bestellung]. The shipping costs will be clearly communicated to you again in the shopping cart system and on the order page.

When paying cash on delivery, an additional fee of 25€ is due, which the deliverer will charge on site. [Weitere Steuern oder Kosten fallen nicht an.]

There are no shipping costs for digital content (e-books, software, etc.).

The flat shipping rate is 5.99 euros. The flat shipping rate includes the statutory value added tax. Since the VAT on the shipping fee is calculated depending on the goods purchased, it may be reduced if goods are purchased at lower VAT rates (e.g., if books are purchased). This means that the shipping fee can only be finally calculated during the ordering process. However, it cannot become higher in the process, but only lower in your favor.